Disasters are sad fact of life. While you hope you will never be a part of one, you should be prepared 
to recover should the unimaginable ever happen. Here are some tips that can help you get your finances
in order to re-establish your life.
Paperwork-Make copies, front and back, or get duplicate originals of your essential documents:
- Driver's License
- Social Security Card
- Financial Records
- Credit Card Information
- Vehicle Records
- Leases
- Property Titles
- Life Insurance Policies
- Tax Records
- Medical Records
- List of Contact Numbers
If you are tech-savvy, you can use your smart phone or scanner to scan images of all your important papers. You can save to a file on your computer, burn to a disc and/or to a thumb drive. You may want make a second copy and give to a trusted friend or relative or store in a bank safety deposit box.
If you prefer paper copies, get a binder and some plastic covers to protect your documents. Put copies of each your important papers in a plastic cover. Again, you may want to make 2 copies and store one off site.
Remember-An Ounce of Prevention will save you a lot of hassles incase of an emergency.
Click the image to download a "Financial Document Check List"