Drive Safe. Drive Present. Lead by Example.
Distracted driving is a dangerous and common occurrence on today’s roadways. Cell phones and texting are part of the problem, but any activity that diverts attention from driving presents a risk. With roadway fatalities increasing, the Travelers Institute® Every Second Matters initiative recognizes that every driver, passenger and pedestrian has a role to play in changing social norms around distraction. Help drive change by speaking up, setting an example and empowering others to drive and walk present.
Click the link to take the Distracted Driving Quiz
Distracted Driving Statistics
A recent study from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that manual-visual tasks associated with hand-held devices, such as reaching for the phone or dialing, increased the risk of getting into a crash by three times. The study also reported that even hands-free devices involve manual-visual tasks at least half the time, which is associated with a greater crash risk.
Are you fully aware of all the statistics behind distracted driving, whether those distractions are cognitive or visual? Read and share the infographic below with friends and family to see how much distracted driving puts you and others on the road at risk.

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