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12 Tips to Stay in the Money-Saving Mindset

One personal finance expert who encourages this method is Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche. “The challenge works like this: Each week you deposit the number of that week of the year into a savings account. During the first week of the new year, you would deposit $1; the second week, $2; etc. By the end of the year, you will have saved almost $1,400!” Aliche said on her blog.

10. Track your progress

Don’t get too comfortable after reaching a big savings milestone. Once you’ve saved a certain amount of money, it’s easy to fall back into your old habits. Continue to keep an eye on how you are doing with your money goals. One trick is to make a chart of the money goals you have reached. Each time you reach a goal, mark it on your chart, so you can see how far you have come. This will keep you motivated to keep saving money. If creating a chart doesn’t appeal to you, try using a money-saving app, such as Digit or Qapital.

11. Keep educating yourself

Keep learning as much as you can about how to manage your finances. If you want to be a money success, it’s important for you to keep feeding on new financial information every day. Pick up a personal finance book, go to money seminars, and read money blogs. The more you learn about money and how it works, the more you will commit to making savings a priority.

12. Celebrate successes

Keep pushing forward by giving yourself a pat on the back when you reach a goal. Every time you reach a savings milestone (for example, $500), celebrate. Reward yourself by watching an extra episode of your favorite TV show or allowing yourself to enjoy an extra slice of cake. Find ways to celebrate without spending money. You don’t want to celebrate so much that you get yourself right back into debt.

Posted Wednesday, April 05 2017 11:00 AM
Tags : 12 Tips to Stay in the Money-Saving Mindset

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